Error 404 Sans – How To Fix Google Search Console Error

Error 404 Sans -After creating a website, we have to take care too much to keep it live on the internet.
While we create a website, we have to add it to Google Search Console.

Google Search Console is a very useful tool for websites. it helps us to check all about the website. We can know about performance, traffic, web page indexing, and all errors through it.

Sometimes it shows an error: Submitted URL not found (404). We will know about this error and know how to solve this error.

Error 404 Sans – How To Fix Google Search Console Error

First, we will know about this error, and after we will fix it.

Submitted URL not found (404)

Whenever this type of error occurs, Google Search Console sends us an email as shown in the image below. If we click on “fix coverage issues” here, we will be redirected to the google search console and see this error.

Error 404 Sans
Error 404 Sans

Otherwise, you can direct login to google search console account, and on the left sidebar, there is an option “coverage”, click on it.

Google Search Console
Google Search Console


Error 404 Sans-Mostly this error occurs when the webpage is blank or there is no content on this page. When the Google crawler crawls the page and the webpages are not indexing on google then a soft 404 error occurs.

soft 404 errors

How to fix error 404 ( Error 404 Sans )

These are some simple steps follow them and fix the error-

You have to add some content to this page.

If you remove the page then you have to also remove the URL from Google Search Console or request again for indexing.

You can also redirect the page.

If you are using the Yoast SEO plugin you have to do some settings in Search Appearance- Taxonomies”. You can off this setting ( or noindex )  if you don’t want to show tags and categories in search results. If you turn it off or noindex then it will not be found in the search result.

So keep in mind that if you have noindexed the page/post, Google crawler will not crawl the page/post and the page will not be indexed, then take special care of the settings.

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