Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2020 | Approval Immediately

Google Adesnse Approval

If you are a blogger and you have created a website and if you want to earn money from this website, then the first wish is that you get the approval of Google AdSense quickly.

You quickly send your website for approval, but you are very disappointed when Google AdSense rejects your website for ads.

If this happens to you, then there is no need to be unhappy, just do a few changes in your website and after that send your website to Google Adsense, your website will get an approval immediately.

How to get Google Adsense approval | Tips & tricks for fast approval

Google Adsense Approval
Google AdSense Approval

Often people are in a hurry to make a website quickly, take the approval of Google Adsense and earn money but it does not happen.

We have to work hard in everything and we get success only. Even in Google AdSense, if you get approval, then you will have to agree and then you will get less money.

We have to hard work everything after we get success. Even if we get Approval in Google AdSense then after that we have to work hard, and then we will be able to make money.

Take care of the following things for Google AdSense approval-

Domain Name- 

You have to choose a top-quality domain for your website Like- .com, .in, .org, etc..

don’t use any cheap domain name like .tk, .pk, .xn, .xyz etc.

The domain name is also important in your website ranking so try to use the top-quality domain name.


You should get hosting from good hosting service providers for your website. This is important for your website speed. Google always gives priority to sites with good speed. Avoid using free hosting.

Google Search Console-

Add your site and all URL of your website on Google Search Console.


You have to create a sitemap of your website.

Content Writing-

Your website needs to have very good content. If the content of your website is not good, then no visitors will visit your website.

You should know to write very well so that the visitor does not have a boring feel.

Do not use copy-paste content  of anyone write a unique content

You should SEO of all posts on your website.

If you want to know more about SEO and know how to write an article then click here –

What Is On-Page SEO | How To Do On-Page SEO Step By Step?


You have to create some pages on your website this is very important for Adsense approval-

About Us
Contact Us
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy

Apart from these, you can create whatever page of your rest.


If you want to approve your website on Google Adsense then you must write a minimum of 25 posts. And every post should have at least 1000 to 1200 words.

Use Copyright-free images in post.

Other Ads Network-

Until you get an approval of AdSense, do not link any other network to your site like, Infolinks, etc..

Don’t do this for Google Adsense approval-

  • Any illegal method for traffic to your website.
  • Pornography on your site and any link from these sites.
  • Use original content.
  • Do not self click on google ads and do not inspire anyone to click on google ads. Otherwise, your account will be deactivated.

Top 10 Best Google AdSense Alternatives- Click here

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