What are the Backlinks & How to create a Backlink? | Backlinks in SEO

The Backlinks are links through which a website visitor moves from one website to another website. That link means that one website is connected to another website.
Any visitor can go from your website to another website through a Backlink, and a visitor can come from any other website to your website through a Backlink.

It means a Backlink is a band made between any two websites.


Here it is not necessary that if a visitor goes to another website through a link from your website, then a visitor from that website also comes to your website. If the Backlink of your website is given on another website, then only the visitor will come to your website.

How many types of Backlink are there?

There are two types of Backlink-

  • Do-follow Backlink
  • No-follow Backlink


Do-follow backlink-

When the two relevant content or high domain authority websites are linked, called a do-follow Backlink. By default when we create a link it is a do-follow link.

The Google crawler crawls the website page/post, also crawls its links. So then the high chances to grow another website search engine ranking.

So that the Do-follow Backlink is very important for Google search ranking.

In an HTML page, we code like-

<a href=”http://wonderwebhost.com”> Best Hosting Plan</a>

No-Follow Backlink-

Google crawler does not crawl the No-follow Backlink, so that is not so much important for Google search ranking but it should be a ratio like 80:20 for your website popularity.

All social media links for your website are no-follow backlinks.

We can modify a do-follow Backlink into the no-ofollow Backlink by some change in an HTML coding page –

<a rel=”nofollow” href=”http://wonderwebhost.com”>Best Hosting Plan </a>


High-Quality Backlink-

A link coming from a website, which is a very popular website and the quality of the website is very good, with the high domain authority, that link is called a high-quality Backlink.

Low-Quality Backlink-

A link coming from a lower quality website or low google ranking website is called a low-quality Backlink.


The same website pages or posts to link each other is called Interlink.

Outbound Links-

A link from a website to another website is called an outbound link. An outbound link can be a Do-follow link or a No-follow link.

Backlinks in SEO-

A Backlink is the no.1 SEO  factor of a website. The more Backlinks have a website to the more chance to rank on the Google search engine.

Google considers the high Backlink websites to be good websites.

Backlink should be from high domain authority websites and relevant to the sites. The content should be quality content.


How to create a Backlink and what is the best way to Create a Backlink?

There are many ways to create a Backlink-

Paid Backlink-

You can create paid Backlinks, but in Google’s eyes, paid Backlinks are always can not be right the reason is that-

-You don’t know from which website to your website getting the Do-follow   Backlink?
– How is that website?
-How is the website content? Whether the content of that website is relevant to the content of your website.

-Is link has been created on any adult or porn sites?

So we do not know all about these in paid Backlinks and Google can down your website searching ranking.

Guest Posting-

You can create a Backlink by guest posting. this is the best way to create a Backlink. Create guest posts at any other website with a Do-follow Backlink of your website.

Comments Section-

You can write a comment in the comment box with your website link on any other website.

Can a Backlink be harmful to a website?

Yes, a Backlinks can be harmful to a website if the Backlinks are from any adult or porn site. Google doesn’t recommend these types of Backlinks.

How to check a website’s Backlinks?

You can check your and your competitor’s website Backlinks. There are many free Backlinks checkers tools available-

Check the websites Backlinks, URL Rating, Domain Rating, Referring Domain-

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