Bluehost vs A2 Hosting | Web Hosting Comparison

Bluehost vs A2 Hosting when we create a website, we have two things in front of us, one is the domain name and the second is web hosting. We do not have to think much about buying domain names, just for rates you can compare some sites. Prices also do not get much difference.

But if we talk about hosting, we get a lot of websites that have different plans and each plan has some different features, so we get confused about which is web hosting to buy? Here we have compared the two best web hosting basic plans so that you can easily choose the web hosting plan to buy.

bluehost vs a2 hosting
Bluehost vs A2 hosting

Bluehost vs A2 Hosting

S.NO. Key Features Bluehost  A2 Hosting
1 Website 1 1
2 SSL Certificate ( HTTPS )
3 SSD Storage ( Disk Storage ) 50 GB 100 GB
4 Addon Domains × ×
5 Parked Domains 5 Unlimited
6 Subdomains 25 Unlimited
7 Free Domain 1 for 1 year ×
8 Automatic Daily Malware / Virus Scan
9 Email Accounts Unlimited

Billing Cycle-

Billing Cycle 1 Month 12 Month 24 Month 36 Month
BlueHost × 3588.00 INR 6216.00 INR 7164.00 INR
A2 Hosting 812.30 INR 6199.79 INR 7787.43 INR 7955.95 INR


Here we have compared  Bluehost vs A2 hosting basic plans,  after comparison, some differences are here  –


We can create only 1 website here in both hosting plans.

SSL Certificate

Both hosting are providing a free SSL certificate.

ADDON Domains-

You can not add any ADDON Domain here in both hosting plans. So if you want to build a single website, then it is fine, but if you have to build a lot of websites, then you will have to take an expensive or upper plan.

Parked Domains-

Bluehost can park up to 5 domains, while in A2 Hosting it is unlimited. You get more free platforms online to park domains.

SSD Storage ( Disk Space )

Now talk about storage (disk space), in Bluehost, you get 50 GB of storage in this basic plan, while A2 Hosting offers exactly double, 100 GB of storage. But the thing to think about here is that when you are making 1 website here, 50 GB of storage is too much.

But if you have created a big website in which you need more storage, then you have to require 100 GB of storage. A big website means a movie’s website or videos to which you have added.
Blog websites do not require much storage.

Email Accounts-

Bluehost is unknown when it comes to email accounts, while A2 Hosting provides unlimited email accounts. But if we can create only 1 website here, only one email account will be required. An unlimited email account is not necessary.


Now if we talk about the prices which are very important for us. In A2 Hosting, you can get hosting for 1 month, 12 months, 24 months, and 36 months, but Bluehost does not have a hosting plan of 1 month, here you will have to take at least 12 months plan. So you have to see how long you want to run your website.


If we talk for 12 months, there is a difference of about 2611/-  INR. If you look at 24 months, there is a difference of about  1571/- INR  and there is a difference of about 791/-INR in the plan of 36 months.

Additional Benefit-

BlueHost here is giving you a free domain for one year, which gives you an additional benefit of about 1000/- rupees.

Now you have to decide how you are making a website and which web hosting plan will be right for your website and your pocket.

Note- These hosting companies can do more or less their rates in the future. It offers different offers from time to time. This is just one of our basic Comparisons, we do not recommend you. If you decide to take a web hosting plan, then use your discretion.

♣Special Request –

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